Application For Scientific Exchange

MACAN funds scientific exchange to promote bridging the gap between atomistic and continuum approaches to interface science.  Funds are available to bring students (of MACAN groups) to an expert, or to bring an expert to a specific research group.

The level of funding is completely in accordance with the EU Rules for Travel, and can include partial or complete reimbursement for travel and lodging.  The amount given to each applicant is decided by the Scientific Exchange Work Package based on the application and budget management.

Applications should include a one page (maximum) explanation which justifies the travel, details the work-plan, and provides details on the person making the application.  Applications should be sent to the Work Package Leader (Prof. C. Scheu).

Upon completion of the exchange, the applicant must submit a financial travel report to Simon van Dam.  This can be done via the applicant’s university using a standard travel report and limited by the EU Rules for Travel.  In addition, a short scientific report must be submitted to the Work Package Leader (Prof. C. Scheu).